New Build Home Sales Surge and the Climate of Our Trending Market

According to the New York Post and Washington Post new home sales are expected to rise. With the rates expected to rise upwards to 5% the notes are still much below the past rates of 9% in the 90′s making it a viable option to have new construction as opposed to being stuck in low inventory. This also gives buyers the option of not settling for an inventory of just bank owned or distressed homes that with fixing, upgrading etc. will not bring in the expected value unless everyone has found that diamond in the rough. How often do we all wish and gain for such good fortune?

Redfin and Zillow are expecting that homes will rise in price rise between 3% and 5% in 2014 which was noted in Forbes Magazine in Dec 23, 2013. Opinions hence are consistent. The rise of new senior homes 55+ and over are also selling at a fast pace. I predict that homes offering extended family living to

become very popular and grow as Alzheimer’s continues to rise with the elderly and the care of assisted living has gained upwards in price that is not always affordable according to how high the level of care.

Families are opting for adult day care and building homes to accommodate the space needed for their families to reduce costs. When visiting new builds take a professional Realtor with you especially your first visit to represent your interests as in any other home you would purchase.

Anticipated is our catching up with homes underwater with rising prices. The best news that I have been waiting for and anticipating is the score to qualify for a mortgage is finally being lowered now in most instances (check with individual lending institutions) from 640 to 600. That should have been done awhile back, the industry did not collapse on the credit scores in the first place. But we won’t revisit that painful history again. This should help stimulate the market to bring forth new buyers to help get our economy growing again. With new builds, rising sales, and scores becoming more realistic I think we have a plan that can pay off in future dividends. However, affordability based on income is not keeping pace and will drive people to homes that may be out of state unfortunately. This we will have to monitor as well.

The investors have taken advantage of a market that is now returning back to the traditional sales. Rentals are up due to the loss of homes for so many who faced unfortunate circumstances.

Programs are changing after foreclosure time to repurchase. With the low interest rates however, the price of a home can easily be much less than a rental. Home buying is still an excellent buying decision.

A good article to reference I found, Why Homeownership is still a good option . sums it up with new home builds rising, lowering of credit scores and interest rates still relatively low. With the snow melting perhaps so will the hearts of those who have lamented that they will “never again” buy a home are softening on that stance. Home buying is still a good investment, when it is up, it is wonderful! Disheartening when it is down but still an excellent investment, just like the stocks.

Buying Steel Building Homes

Steel homes are becoming more popular for so many reasons today. From cost savings to durability, these metal homes offer the consumer many advantages with very few drawbacks. Despite those advantages, it can still be difficult to choose from all the steel buildings available. It’s important when you’re looking for a manufacturer that you examine the things they offer and compare them with other companies. And never go by cost savings alone as sometimes you really do get only what you pay for.

One of the best ways to find a great steel homes manufacturer is through word-of-mouth. Because many areas don’t have a large number of these homes, it’s not always easy to find someone locally who has purchased one. If you can find someone who’s purchased commercial steel buildings from a company you’re considering, that can help you. But bear in mind that there are big differences between commercial and residential metal buildings. One that might be all right for an out building or a warehouse might not be all right for your home.

Finding someone who’s purchased a commercial building from a manufacturer that also offers a steel homes at least helps you to know how easy the company is to deal with and how well they keep their promises as far as things like quality and delivery times. But don’t neglect to look into the details that the manufacturer offers as far as finishing touches that are going to be important to you on your home.

You’ll also want to make sure they offer a good warranty. Steel buildings are durable and long-lasting so a manufacturer should have no problem giving you a 50 year warranty on the structure. Anything that’s painted should have at least 15 to 20 years on the painted surface and be considered maintenance-free. With steel building homes, chances are that you’re going to frame the outside in some other material. But any painted surface in the construction needs to have such warranty so that you know it’s quality.

You’ll also want to make sure that steel buildings don’t require any special work on your part when it comes to getting a building permit. Every area has special building codes that account for things like roof construction, foundation construction and even things like how steep stairs can be and how many doors and windows you need. Check with your local authorities to make sure that the steel building plans you have meet local codes. Most manufacturers will guarantee that they can do this and will offer the drawings you need to present to your local authorities either in your package or as extras.

One other thing you may want to check on is how the company transports steel. Some work hard to save you money by transporting as much as possible in one load. So pieces of steel building homes that are going to several locations in a certain part of the country may be sent on the same shipment to cut costs for you.

Shannon Suetos is a writer based in San Diego, Cali

3 Simple Tips for Building Homes of Your Own Success

Building Homes of Your Own is a computer game where you are challenged to get a loan, select and purchase property, design and build a house, and sell it for a profit. There are three levels to the game, Urban or Suburban, Rivers and Lakes, and Coastline. For each progressive level you will be given a larger loan for your budget. On the third level, Coastline, you will receive a loan for more than 1 million dollars.

Construction Technology Engineering is the main focus of the software. It is meant to be as close as possible to real world situations in the building homes industry. Many students in Technology Education and Engineering class utilize this software to learn the steps to planning and building a house.

Here are some of the main tips for being successful in the Building Homes of Your Own game. First, you need to remember that you are not designing the house for yourself. You will be given different situations depending on which property location that you choose. Most design something they would want to live in while ignoring the demographics of the surrounding area. The surrounding houses and neighborhoods are big clues to whom you may want to sell your house to. You must check the demographics for information surrounding your property. For example, average population age is very important. You don’t want to build a skate park in the backyard of a neighborhood where the average age is 65 and older.

Second, when designing your floor plan and interior remember you are trying to make a profit on the property. Your profit is the amount of money above what you spend on building the house. For example, if you design a very large house with the most expensive interior choices, you will not be able to make as much profit on your property.

Third, planning for your house designing decisions is the most critical step that most people overlook. There are three planning phases you need to consider. The “site phase,” where you find and purchase your property. The “building phase,” where you decide on your floor plan, exterior, and interior. The “sell phase,” where you advertise and sell your house to potential buyers.

Your home will be judged by how much profit you make on your property. You must be able to find the right buyers by checking their credit information. They will be rejected by the bank for a home loan to buy your property if they have bad credit. A score of 70 percent or higher means you can go on to the next level. Remember these tips and tricks for reaching the next level when playing Building Homes of Your Own.

Slow Recovery For UK New Build Homes

The new houses market in the UK is now taking an upward turn since the economic depression that commenced in 2008. However, real estate advisers continue to give conflicting predictions about the future of the UK new build homes market. The advisers who project continued growth in the sector support their advise by insisting that the demand for houses still way outstrips that of supply. On the other hand, those advising a projected dip claim that investors continue to be conservative while risk takers are preferring to buy foreclose houses and houses in the secondary market. However, irrespective of the stand that an adviser takes on the real estate market in the UK, most of these advisers seem to have changed their stand in the recent past,. This change of mind has been caused by changing parameters in the real estate market. These changing factors have been described below.

Government Incentive on Real Estate Market

In early August 2010, the UK government introduced a new build homes bonus scheme to be distributed through English councils that deal with new houses projects. This bonus has been introduced to stimulate growth in the real estate industry as well as reduce the high demand of affordable new build homes in the UK. In 2009, there were over 4 million people in the council lists seeking for new houses. However, the council only managed to construct 120,000 new built home. The bonus incentive is set such that the government will pay a council the equivalent of the taxes they get from the new build homes for a period of six years. This will work to motivate the council to build new houses so as to benefit from this bonus scheme.

Reduced Foreclose Houses

Another strong indicator of a raising real estate market is the unpredicted reduction of foreclosure houses. The Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) released statistics that showed a reduction of foreclose houses for the three months ending June 2010. In this period, a total of 9400 houses were foreclosed as compared to 9800 in the first three months of 2010. This was a significant drop compared to the 11800 houses foreclosed in the same period of 2009. The reduction in foreclose has lead to a revision of the projected foreclosures for 2010 to 39000 down from 53000. The reduced foreclosure indicates that people have found a working way of managing their mortgage payments. With reduced foreclosure houses, investors who were cashing on foreclosure houses will now seek to purchase new build homes and thereby increasing the demand and prices.

Low Interest Rates on Mortgage

Another boost to the real estate industry and especially the new houses market is the low interest rates in mortgage. The reality is that there are still many new people being employed and the reduced interest rates are making it much more affordable to afford the new houses. Therefore, the demand for these new build homes is still strong. Many real estate agents are reporting a huge demand of new buyers inquiring on new houses options within the UK. Changing Market Trends in The UK New Build Homes Market

Statistics now reveal that the average prices of houses is now beginning to rise. Many new build homes agents and real estate companies have started seeing a raise in the real estate overall prices. This has come after a continuous drop in prices since the mortgage crunch that began in 2008. Areas that had house prices reducing are now either having the prices constant or slightly raising. This change in market direction is projected to trigger many market reactions. Firstly, the investors who were waiting for the lowest prices will now seek to invest fast to avoid paying more with a raising market. This may cause a raise in prices and the cycle may pick to result in the recovery of the UK new build homes market.

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